How to Stick to New Year’s Resolutions

In the News: HerMoney

Picture this: My husband and I are squeezing in workouts by power walking at the gym where our daughter’s swim team practices. Normally, the brisk walks get our heart rates up and, after several laps around the indoor track, we’ve broken a sweat. In January, though, we find ourselves dodging the frenzy of resolution-makers who have swarmed the place. Cardio machines? All taken. Dumbbells? Not a single one in sight. Yoga studio? Downward dogs as far as the eye can see. Everyone is trying their hardest to stick to their New Year’s resolutions.

Come mid-February, though, it’s a whole different scene. We’re back in our zone, the gym is quieter, and those New Year’s resolution regulars? Well, they’ve mostly vanished. And that’s the cycle of resolutions, whether of the fitness or the financial variety. Research shows that just 19% of people who make New Year’s resolutions stick with them. But how can we improve those odds, and stick to New Year’s resolutions? By tweaking our approach. Here are five tips I give to clients to help turn flaky financial resolutions into sound money habits.

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